Parents must come in person to the Parish Office to register for Baptisms. Click here to view our Baptism Policy and Guidelines:/documents/2019/4/baptism%20guidelines%202018.pdf
Mission San Jose Church is a beautiful and enchanting venue for a Catholic wedding. For more information click on sub-link "Wedding Guidelines and Policies" under Sacraments. To see if we have a specific date available, please call the Parish Office.
If you would like additional information about Catholic Weddings, see .
First Communions are prepared for and celebrated within the CCD program. For additional information, visit the Religious Education page or contact the parish office.
Children are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation within the Religious Education program. For additional information, see the Religious Education page or contact the parish office.
High school students prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation within the Religious Education program. For additional information, see the Religious Education page or contact the parish office
Our condolences and prayers are with you. To schedule a Funeral Mass, please notify the parish office.
Although a Quinceanera is not a sacrament, we do permit the celebration in our Parish. In order to celebrate a quinceanera at Mission San Jose, you must be preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and be registered in a CCD program. If attending or transferring from another parish, you must show proof that you are attending a CCD program. You must have completed 25 community service hours. For additional information contact the parish office.